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50,00 €
(1 227,97 Kč)
ID inzerátu: INZ51275 | Zobrazenia: 333x | Pridané: 16. 1. 2025 o 16:29

Predám: Turnigy GliderDrive SK3 Competition Series - 3850 - 3.5 960kv

Nový motor na predaj

Turnigy GliderDrive SK3 Competition Series - 3850 - 3.5 960kv

Turns: 14T
Voltage: 3~4S LiPo
RPM/V: 960kv
Motor Poles: 14
Internal resistance: 0.045 Ohm
Max Loading: 35A
Max Power: 510W
Shaft Diameter: 5mm
Shaft Length: 20mm
Mounting screw Spacing: 25mm (M3x4)
Connector: 3.5mm bullet
Weight: 142g

Performance Data (3S):
10x7: 267W, 25A, 1419g static thrust
11x7: 340W, 32.5A, 1687g static thrust
12x5.5: 362W, 35A, 1659g static thrust

Performance Data (4S):
10x8: 496W, 35A, 2294g static thrust
11x6: 528W, 38A, 2238g static thrust
10x5.5: 475W, 34A, 1928g static thrust

Turnigy SK3 Competition Series motors are the newest addition to our SK3 motor line-up offering the absolute best quality, performance, and efficiency for your model on a competition level. Each and every SK3 Competition Series motor is thoroughly inspected and tested to ensure the high efficiency and top performance required for meeting the demands of competition flying.

Turnigy GliderDrive Competition Series motors are top-quality outrunners designed specifically for use in today's high-performance glider models. These motors are effectively an "outrunner in a can" meaning that the outside of the motor does not spin. This gives you the mounting advantages of an inrunner by not having to worry about clearance for the outside of the motor can to spin. They also feature a tapered front end allowing them to fit into the slim nose of most gliders/hotliners with ease.

We instructed our engineers to source the best quality magnets, bearings, and materials available to them and develop a motor that would not only rival but surpass the quality of many leading motor manufacturers on the market today.

The result is an efficient, high-caliber motor using quality double shielded bearings, sintered Neodymium magnets, and a string wound stator ensuring an accurate and consistent winding each and every time.

The Turnigy SK3 motors are suited to modelers who are seeking a top-quality brushless motor without compromise.

This motor is designed for use in gliders/hotliners running on 3~4S Lipo batteries and swinging propellers in the range of 10~13 inch diameter.

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